Time and Time Travel

Time travel isn’t possible because I believe, time doesn’t exist in the way we think it does. I think time is one of mans inventions.
Someone saw two seemingly re-occurring events, measured the distance between them, broke it down into smaller parts and invented time.
Time doesn’t even fit, there are more than twenty four hours in a day and more than three hundred and sixty five days in a year, that’s why every four years we have an extra day to take up the slack. They say that over a couple of thousand years it will be out even more.
Not to long ago scientists suggested we were trapped an extremely small slice of time. This was based on assumptions and what they could see with their eyes. There is a latin phrase “quod erat demonstrandum“ which means “spoken not proven”. This can be applied to what we know about time.
I don’t believe we are “passing through” something (time) I believe we are moving along with something. Everything in existence is evolving and we are evolving with it.
There are two things that make us think time works the way we think it does, one of them is a relatively new invention the other one is we have memories. The invention is film and video. Has anyone ever written a story about time travel, before film was invented? I haven’t found one.
When moving pictures were invented someone realised if you run the film in reverse time appeared to go backwards.
If someone asks you to think back to your last birthday, you don’t think back, what you in reality do, is bring an image into your mind from that day. You don’t think back.
Backwards and forwards are related to the way we are facing, the direction are eyes are looking is forward, and the opposite of this is backwards. Trying to remember how long a particular event was isn’t possible, the only way you could work how long a particular event went on was if you looked at a clock as it started and again when it finished. You can’t remember time.
I have tried to think of something in nature that works to the second but there isn’t anything. Things like summer and winter start at an “approximate” time. I would have thought is time was naturally occurring, Mother Nature would have found a good use for it.
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